Samurai Architect Tadao Ando

52' (GER, JAP, ENG subs), 75' (JAP)

This portrait will take a close look on the prize winning Samurai Architect Tadao Ando.

The spotlight is on the award winning Japanese architect, Tadao Ando, who is known for his refined and minimalistic designs. The understated creations of the 72-year-old former boxer and self-taught architect are stark contrasts to his take-charge personality, sharp tongue and unique sense of humor. So, from where does he draw his inspiration? This yearlong documentary will follow Ando, unveiling his creative process as well as showing the man behind the designs and giving special emphasis on his current challenge in China.

  • Trailer

    Trailer - Japanese with English Subtitles
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  • Original Title
    Tadao Ando - Der Samurai Architekt
  • Year
  • Length
    52' (GER, JAP, ENG subs), 75' (JAP)
  • Resolution
  • Film by
    Shigenori Mizuno, Yu Nakamura
  • Produced by
  • Trailer

    Trailer - Japanese with English Subtitles