NSU-Complex: Nazi German Underground
The NSU-Complex tells the story of the National Socialist Underground.
In 1998, intelligence agents followed three young neo-Nazis – two men and a woman – to a garage where they were assembling pipe bombs. But before the police could arrest the suspects, they vanished into thin air. At that time, the three fugitives were barely 20 years old and had neither money nor passports. Yet, they founded the most lethal German terror organization since World War II. 13 years after their disappearance, two were found dead in a burning camper and days later, the third member walked into a police station and turned herself in. With interviews from neo-Nazis, government informers, investigators and the head of the domestic secret service, this is the most coherent documentary of one of Germany’s biggest political scandals.
A video was released showing the bodies of nine immigrants and a police woman - moments after they were shot - shortly after the third member was apprehended. On the day the DVD surfaced, a high-ranking member of the domestic intelligence service began to search the agency's archives and a colleague was ordered by the head of the anti-terrorist unit to destroy files containing vital information about the informants. Furthermore, until today, only eleven parliamentary commissions – on both local and federal levels – have tried to discover who helped the underground terrorists. What are the intelligence services hiding from the public? What do agents and politicians in charge really know? Rumours soon began to spread that one or even two of the three neo-Nazis that vanished into thin air had been government informants. The investigations are ongoing.
Original TitleDer NSU-Komplex: Die Rekonstruktion Einer Beispiellosen Jagd
Length90' (ENG, GER), 3 × 45', 60' (GER)
Film byStefan Aust, Dirk Laabs
Produced by