Life Beyond the Ordinary

10 × 45' (GER, 1Ep ENG subs)

Different people, different lifestyles - and defintely not an ordinary life. What does it take to live beyond the ordinary.

Meet some out-of-the-box thinkers: people who rather than trying to fit themselves into society are changing society to fit them. Whether it's their lifestyle, work, diet or ethics, their day-to-day lives differ significantly from the norm. These people have consciously chosen these alternate ways of living, but not to be different from others or to be special in any way. They are neither hedonists nor bizarre misfits but rather dissenters and visionaries whose life models introduce forward-thinking idealism into our society.

This series introduces such people. It's fun to immerse yourself into their world, because they are unconventional, sometimes bulky and sometimes eccentric - and therefore inspiring. After all, it's all about how to live more freely and independently. How do you manage to think more about what's right for you rather than what others think about you? Who has never wished for that?
If you want to watch the full program, please login and go to our Distribution department.


  1. For the animals

  2. Different ways of living

  3. For a more ecological world

  4. For a more social world

  5. At the limits

  6. For the dream

  7. New communities

  8. In the forest

  9. For faith

  10. Different ways of love


  • Original Title
    Lebe Lieber Ungewöhnlich
  • Year
  • Length
    10 × 45' (GER, 1Ep ENG subs)
  • Resolution
  • Film by
    Ito Herrmann
  • Produced by